About the Author
McGowin outside The Peacock Lounge.
Photograph by Suzanne Sheridan. |
Kevin McGowin completed his graduate studies at the University of Florida and taught English at the college level for many years. He has lived in Birmingham, Micanopy, Denver, Raleigh, New Hampshire, New York City, and New Orleans, the setting for his novel Town Full of Hoors, for which he was recognized in the Gambit Weekly's annual "40 Under 40."
McGowin is the author of three novels (including What God Has Joined Together, the third novel in the Poda trilogy); a novella, The Basement; a collection of poems, The Better Part of a Fortnight (Funky Dog Publishing), as well as numerous short stories in such publications as Eclectica Magazine and 3 AM, some of which make up his upcoming collection, All That and Then Some. A contributing editor to Oyster Boy Review for many years, McGowin is now Reviews Editor for Eclectica.
In June 2002, The Benny Poda Years was published in Oyster Boy Review. In July, the OBR editors invited McGowin to read from Poda in San Francisco, where the magazine is published. The event was held on July 25th at The Peacock Lounge on Haight Street.
Presently, McGowin has undertaken a fourth and final online serialized novel, Flies in the Buttermilk (Frontier Publications), which is updated monthly, to be completed in spring 2004. Its composition and sundry other unpublished writings appear on his Homepage.