» What God Has Joined Together «
Kevin McGowin
Calendar of Saints

Part 1        
FRIDAY 1 Dewi of Wales
SATURDAY 2 Roedy Green of New Westminster, Living Lover
SUNDAY 3 John & Charles Wesley, Sweet Singers
MONDAY 4 Gerasimos of Jordan
TUESDAY 5 Chance the Gardener
WEDNESDAY 6 Hesychios, Petter of the Fallen Ox
THURSDAY 7 Perpetua & Her Companions, Martyrs at Carthage
FRIDAY 8 Edward King, ISO Nice Jewish, Buddhist, Wiccan & Pagan Girls
SATURDAY 9 Gregory of Nyssa, a Cappadocian Father
SUNDAY 10 Forty-two Martyrs, & One Other Who Survived, of Persia
MONDAY 11 Julius Caesar of Rome & Cayuga Avenue, San Francisco
TUESDAY 12 Gregory the Great, Emancipator of Souls in Purgatory
WEDNESDAY 13 Nicephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople
THURSDAY 14 Benedict of Nursia, Restorer to Perfection of Cracked Pots
FRIDAY 15 Holy Apostle Aristovoulos, Tormented by Savages & Cabbages
SATURDAY 16 Holy Martyr Sabinus the Egyptian Magician
Part 2        
SUNDAY 17 Patrick of Ireland, Who Speared, by Err, the Foot of Aengus at Baptism
MONDAY 18 Cyril of Jerusalem, ISO A Good Old-Fashioned Spanking
TUESDAY 19 Joseph of Nazareth, Collector of Owl Caricatures
WEDNESDAY 20 Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Who, While Tending Sheep, Witnessed Rods
THURSDAY 21 Thomas Ken, Bishop & Non-Juror
FRIDAY 22 James De Koven, Priest Who Liked it Plain & Blunt
SATURDAY 23 Gregory the Illuminator, Apostle To Armenia
SUNDAY 24 Palm Sunday
MONDAY 25 The Annunciation of Our Lord
TUESDAY 26 Holy Tuesday
WEDNESDAY 27 Holy Wednesday
THURSDAY 28 Holy Shit!
FRIDAY 29 Good Friday
SATURDAY 30 Holy Saturday
SUNDAY 31 Easter
MONDAY 1 April Fool's Day
» Title Page «